Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 Purchase Plans!

I made a small "to buy" list last year. I unfortunately didn't get much off of it. :< I did get quite a bit of lolita this year (by my standards) including my first piece of brand! It wasn't for not trying though, several of the items continuing from last year's list I searched far and wide for. So I thought it'd be fun to make another one to reference for this year!

So these are the items I'd like to purchase in 2015. Wish me luck!

Any brand parasol similar to this

Mint Chess Chocolate replica with border print

Yellow Milky Planet JSK replica

Loris present star bag in pink

Angelic Pretty tea pot cookie necklace in pink

Baby Doll Blouse with Removable Sleeves (2012) in white

Shirring Princess JSK & Head Bow Set in Pink or Navy

I'm also planning to get a new blouse or two, brown shoes, and brown and white wrist cuffs. So what are you hoping to get this next year! Comment below to let me know, I'd love to hear. <3

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Early December Coord

Hello lovely readers! I recently obtained a new dress. I'm waiting on a skirt right now and then I think I'm going to do a recent purchases post since over the past two months I've bought quite a bit of new lolita stuff. So the dress I got was a replica of an Alice & the Pirates dress. I put together a pirate themed coord to go with it. I'll show you that in a second.

In unrelated news there will be a Baby tea party at a con near me. I'm trying to decide if I should go. It'd be a huge financial strain but it would be awesome. I'll definitely let you guys know if I opt to participate. Now on to my coord photos!

Thank you for stopping by! This is my first outfit with a JSK instead of a skirt and I really am happy with how it turned out. I was very excited to finally get to use my treasure chest purse. ^_^  See you next time!